Grey bushchat
Sighted on: 24.Dec.2024
A Grey bushchat was spotted during the boat safari this morning. The Grey bushchat is not a regular visitor to Kabini and is usually found in the Himalayas, southern China, Taiwan, Nepal, and mainland Southeast Asia. While this is not the first time it has been seen here, this is definitely the first photographic record of it in Kabini. Such individuals are called ‘vagrants’. A vagrant bird is a species that is currently outside its normal range. There are many reasons why a bird ends up outside its normal range, such as being blown off course by storms, hitchhiking on ships, or simply due to inexperience. Whatever the reason, spotting a vagrant can be the highlight of a birder’s year.
Content Creator / Photographer:
Shanmuga Kumar
Sighted on: 25.Dec.2024
A large tusker was seen emerging from the bushes during the boat safari. During this season, elephants start moving towards the riverbank. Very soon, the banks of the Kabini will host one of the largest congregations of Asian elephants in the world.
Content Creator / Photographer: